Please Report Colt Hatchings


The first week of June is when crane colts start hatching. We received our first colt report from out East End Road on June 3.   Please send a report about crane colts in your area to or call 235-6262.  Let us know when you first saw them, your location, and how many colts you saw.

Kachemak Crane Watch is continuing to track colt productivity so we can compare with the past four years of information.  This helps us estimate the number of cranes in the area and is an indicator of the stability of the population.  Share photos with us too, if you like.
Live cam on a Sandhill Crane Nest:  Check out this live cam of a Sandhill Crane nest in the Great Bear Rainforest in Canada:
IMG_2135Visit the Beluga Slough for views of nesting Sandhill Cranes.  Three pairs have been nesting in the Slough, east of the Boardwalk.  Frequently you can easily see the pair nesting closest to the Boardwalk.  A careful dance of survival plays out daily between the cranes and the resident Bald Eagle pair sometimes perched in the middle of the Slough.  Let KCW know if you see one of these crane pairs with colts.  We are still waiting for a report on these hatchings.

Check with the Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge for times of their Nature walks on the Boardwalk and viewing of Kachemak Crane Watch’s Sandhill Crane videos at the Islands and Ocean Visitor Center.
